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» 行为与计算经济学理学硕士


作为传统的以理论为基础的学位的替代, the 行为与计算经济学理学硕士 pushes students to use laboratory experiments, computer simulations and mathematical analysis to study economic institutions and how they operate. 这个学位为学生设计做准备, 开发, 在股票交易等领域测试和实施有效的交易系统, 网上拍卖, 调度, 保险及公用事业.

该项目课程采用独特的实践方法. 学生花一些时间学习传统的经济体系, 但他们的大部分工作都是在个人项目和实验上. 学生 are encouraged to use their insights to create exchange systems they find personally interesting, and the ESI professors support and work alongside the students throughout the program.

This program is for students with a strong mathematical or computational background. 具体地说, it complements the educational background of students possessing or pursuing undergraduate degrees in business, 经济学, 计算机科学, 数学和心理学.

独特的MSBCE项目提供两种选择. 学生 who have completed an undergraduate degree undertake a two-year master’s program. 学生 still working on an undergraduate degree can take a five-year program that integrates undergraduate and master’s degrees.

2-Year Master Degree Program (For students applying from different universities)


5 Year Accelerated Bachelor/Masters Degree Program (An option for Chapman undergraduates)
